New Mexico is experiencing serious water scarcity due to ever increasing demand coupled with the effects of climate change, such as decreasing water supply and increasing temperatures. Recent analyses in the State of New Mexico’s 50-year Water Plan documented increased aridification; less water is available. Systemic loss and fragmentation of riparian and aquatic habitats is leading to imperiled species.
We will ensure the future of New Mexico’s iconic rivers by increasing policy capacity, innovative demonstration projects and sharing science. We will focus on restoring and protecting key rivers and aquifers to ensure that they have enough water—at the right times and places—to support healthy populations of native fish, birds and other wildlife. Through our strategies, we will also ensure that sufficient water is available to people to meet basic human needs and support resilient urban and rural economies.
Working closely with TNC’s Colorado River Program, we will share resources to design and implement collaborative strategies for the San Juan and Gila watersheds and rivers.
Our two core strategies are:
Secure Water for Nature
Our holistic approach for freshwater security in New Mexico utilizes multiple initiatives with partners. Ultimately, we seek balanced water use that provides water for rivers, aquifers and people. To that end, we will create enabling conditions to manage or reduce current and future water uses. We will promote policies in New Mexico that enable water to be dedicated to rivers and aquifers and advance state, federal, and private funding. We will work with partners to improve water infrastructure and operations for environmental flows.
Protect and Restore Functions of Natural Water Infrastructure
Freshwater protection depends on a solid foundation. We will restore riparian, wetland, secondary channel and backwater habitats. We will advance the use of green stormwater infrastructure to reduce pollution to rivers and streams and demonstrate natural climate solution installations.