Ten strategies for managing and sustaining GDEs
Report includes ten strategies for managing and sustaining groundwater-dependent ecosystems in Nevada. The strategies collectively are likely to address almost all of the stressors and threats in Saito et al. (2022) and improve the resiliency of GDEs over the long term.
Handout on NV GDE strategies
This 2-page handout summarizes the 10 strategies for managing and sustaining groundwater dependent ecosystems in Nevada
Strategies to manage and sustain groundwater-dependent ecosystems and the services they provide involve knowledge, governance, management and awareness. We therefore developed the following ten strategies:
Science and Monitoring
Increase understanding of co-benefits of healthy and restored GDEs, including carbon dynamics Strategy 1
Science and Monitoring
Increase monitoring and reporting over space and time Strategy 2
Enact policies to reduce current excessive groundwater withdrawals and appropriation to protect GDEs Strategy 3
Enact policies to prevent future groundwater withdrawals and overappropriation to protect GDEs Strategy 4
Include requirements for maintaining or protecting GDEs in regulations, codes, and laws for land and water management and economic development Strategy 5
Include consideration of GDEs in permitting guidance and large-scale planning documents to identify and prioritize areas for protection and management of GDEs Strategy 6
Increase the pace and scale of restoration of GDEs in time and space Strategy 7
Incorporate collaboration, including public-private partnerships, to manage and sustain GDEs Strategy 8
Education and Outreach
Increase awareness of the value of GDEs and the need to protect and reduce impacts to them Strategy 9
Education and Outreach
Increase communication among water users, administrators, managers, and academics about GDEs Strategy 10