Florida's Freshwater Stewardship
Protecting and restoring Florida's freshwater sources.
Florida's increasing development pressure has led TNC Florida to an ambitious vision for water conservation dedicated to ensuring an adequate supply of clean water for both people and nature. To achieve this vision, we focus on the protection, restoration, and connection of lands and wetlands crucial for recharging the state's aquifers that supply groundwater to rivers and estuaries.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) involves sustainable practices and systems that provide environmental benefits, one being groundwater conservation. The GSI Photo Library tool features photos of functional and aesthetic GSI sites throughout FL. Access the tool here
Florida Freshwater Network Mapping Tool
This GIS tool brought to us by the Freshwater Network will take you through Florida's thousands of lakes, scenic rivers, and springs, and allows you to explore data relevant to those resources. Access the tool here
Warm Mineral Springs Restoration Project
TNC is a partner in this Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) lead project at Warm Mineral Springs. To be completed by the end of 2023, this project will restore the degraded springs being affected by erosion, sedimentation, invasives, and improper land use.
Florida Freshwater Fact Sheet
Protecting our life-sustaining waters is among The Nature Conservancy’s top priorities. Guided by science, we pursue non-confrontational, pragmatic solutions to challenges like conserving clean water in Florida.
Florida Freshwater Stewardship Infographic
We're working to achieve healthy and sustainable waters across the Sunshine State. This infographic describes our work, including strengthening the health of springs.
"Irrigation-Free" Residential Landscapes
Final Research Report (December 2021) for "irrigation-free" residential landscapes in Florida's Springs Region.
Freshwater Springs
Protecting this cherished resource for people and nature is a priority. Click here
Protecting the Everglades
Though contained entirely in Florida, the Florida Everglades have vital importance that resonates beyond the Sunshine State. See what we're doing to protect one of the United States' last great grasslands. Click here
If you have questions or comments about anything you see here on the Groundwater Resource Hub, please send an email to gwrhubcontactus@tnc.org, or contact any of our staff listed below.
To connect with TNC Florida, please reach out to:
Beth Lewis
Resilient Lands and Waters Strategy Director
Lesley Bertolotti
Sustainable Communities Strategy Manager